How to get more views and subscribers on YouTube FAST 


Whether you love making a wishlist for the new year or not,there is always room for improvement in promoting your YouTube channel. 

On the eve of 2019, we will share 10 practical solutions tohelp you grow your channel by getting more views and subscribers. Go! 

Understand your channel banner 

A YouTube channel banner is essentially a channel billboard.Make sure it shows visitors: 

what are you doing on your channel; why are you doing this;why it is you doing it (profession or hobby). 

The YouTube channel banner must match the branding, color,and design of the video thumbnails. And don't forget to check that the edges ofthe banner are not cropped when viewed from mobile devices. 

Write a compelling channeldescription 

broken image

The YouTube channel description in the About Channel sectionis what visitors will read about the channel in search results. The channeldescription should be composed as if you were tweeting 140 characters long:visitors will not hold their attention for long, so the description should beclear and concise. 

Also keep in mind that when they visit your channel for thefirst time, users are usually looking for something important to them. Insteadof self-admiration and autobiography, it's better to bet on how your channel isuseful to your audience. An easy way to test this is to count the number oftimes the word "you" or "you" appears in the channel description. For example, here is what vidIQ says in the About Channel section: 

Applying these principles to video descriptions has the samebenefits. Any visitor can read the first couple of lines, and this should beused. 

Develop a consistent design for allcontent 

The correct design principles will ensure the integrity ofthe entire channel and all its elements. Create your fonts, colors, logos, andbranding images and store them together to quickly apply them to pictures,thumbnails, intro videos, and even the bottom third of the feed, as shownbelow.  

Greet your channel visitors 

Imagine that the channel is the entrance hall of your homeor your company's office, and you are the hospitable host. 

A good way to greet visitors is to include a dedicatedchannel trailer or use a high converting video as a trailer, which willdefinitely increase the number of subscribers.   

Also, consider creating a playlist with your best content -this is also an effective way to introduce your audience to the channel. And ifyou have a playlist of recent videos at the top of the channel, visitors willknow that the channel is active and updated regularly. 

Engage your audience as actively aspossible  Video creators often make the same mistake: they ask viewersquestions at the end of the video. However, many viewers simply do not watchthe video to the end - it is easy to see this by examining audience retention rates. By asking viewers questions or even organizing polls at the beginning, middle, and end of a video, you can really engage your audience in the channel's life. 

Add a powerful branding watermark 

Each video should have a branded call-to-action watermark inthe bottom right corner for viewers to subscribe to your channel. And for this,the watermark must clearly indicate to the viewer what to do. Instead of adding a channel logo as a watermark, it's best to use something that invites you to subscribe to the channel. 

For example, the video channel displays a very simpleSUBSCRIBE button. After switching to this design, the click-through rate ofthis button almost immediately increased by more than 500%, which can be seenin the graph below. 

Link to your content on YouTube 

Have you noticed what we did on the last wishlist? Wereferenced our own content on this topic to keep audiences in the videouniverse on YouTube. 

Always include your content and link to it right on top ofthe video. And remember: you cannot praise yourself - no one will. 

Respond to every comment 

Even after the video is published, your work is not yetfinished. If viewers are not too lazy to comment on your videos, then respondto each comment as a sign of respect and appreciation. 

If there are many comments, set aside one hour a day toreply to them. You can even pin your best comments or your own comments underthe video, as we did in the example below, to set the direction of the dialogue with the audience. 

And if you find it boring to respond to each comment, remindyourself that a single comment can grow into a fruitful collaboration,advertising orders, friendship, and much more. 

Use the YouTube Community Tab 

The YouTube Community tab is available to all channels withover 1,000 subscribers and when used correctly, is a great experience. You willquickly notice that a well-thought-out question or vote engages the audience in the channel as well (if not better) than the videos themselves.